2018 11/14/16—3/26/24
Maxie watching us eat.
14JAN18 - Snapped a shot of Lucy half dozing on my leg today.
26MAR18 - Sitting with the kids.
12MAR18 - Lizzie "giving me the foot" for not paying adequate attention to her. :-)
When I stop petting Lizzie, she waits a few seconds and then gives me "the foot" to say, "don't stop." :-)
180215 - Lizzie and Maxie outside solarpowering. :-)
16JAN18 - Me and the pups.
16JAN18 - Caught her again and always on my pillow. :-)
Saw Lizzie drinking today so I grabbed a shot.
Just a shot of the girls taking it easy out back after mowing.
Lizzie girl sharing the conversation.
02OCT18 More dragonfly chasing...
And this is another example of composited images.
Lizzie and Lucy like to join me upstairs when I use "the rack."
A short while later, I looked at Lizzie and she had her front paw and snout inside the rolled up carpet, (cleaning day,) and I had to get a shot. Unfortunately,…